Court Booking

FLOODLIGHTS - Floodlights are a required part of bookings after set times throughout the year.  The cost is £2.50/30 minutes.  Lights will turn on and off automatically.  


Booking Policies

1.       Members may book courts 10 days in advance and non-members 3 days in advance.

2.       Bookings are free for members and £10/hour for non-members (minimum 1 hour and maximum 1.5 hours).   Lights are £5/hour for members and non-members.

3.       Members and guests should cancel a booking as early as possible as a courtesy to other club members.

4.       Members may make up to 1 booking per day for up to 1.5 hours for each booking.

5.       Players who choose not to book a court agree to vacate the court should a member or guest with a booking arrive within 10 minutes of the booking start time.

6.       Team captains are responsible for booking courts when matches are rescheduled.

7.       Coaches and committee members are responsible for reserving courts as required, ensuring the booking system is always an accurate reflection of availability.

8.       Courts need to be cancelled two hours before your booking time to enable a refund.